
Welkom op het blog van Urbek5.

Dit blog geeft een indruk van onze urbex avonturen.

Wij zijn 4 enthousiaste mensen die graag in oude gebouwen fotograferen en de geschiedenis van deze gebouwen proberen vast te leggen. Vooral industrieel erfgoed is erg intrek. Als je op zo'n locatie bent voel je als het ware wat er is gebeurd in het verleden. Wij gaan er dus ook voor om zo veel mogelijk vast te leggen op de gevoelige plaat.


urbek5 members

urbek5 members

maandag 12 april 2010

the Kent School

02 April 2010

It was the first Photo day of the season 2010 so we all were very eager to start shooting pictures. The first location for this day was the Kent School(I assumed for some time it was located in Kent but in fact it is only a 25minutes. drive from our home town). Standing in front of the gate we saw a car on the site driving towards us. We turned the car and parked on the other
site. It took some time before we found a place in the fence were we could enter. Closer to the buildings we saw a second car that seemed abandoned.We passed it and walked to the building with the church attached.Surprisingly the main door was open. But as soon as we entered we heard the sound of keys jingling and footsteps. We ran out as quick as we could but
the last person fell down and we got discovered by a young guy all dressed up like militarily. The place was a Air-soft haven and because we were friendly he did not call the police but showed us around instead. So we were lucky we got the change to take some pictures there even if it was for only one hour.

This picture is made by:Roel Boom

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